Low vision product user
Eye cre professional

What do I need to know about being a Caregiver?

Enhanced Vision would like to acknowledge you and the important role you serve caring for a family member or friend with low vision. Nearly 45 million Americans, like you, share this responsibility. Enhanced Vision realizes the responsibilities of the caregiver are not easy and we welcome the chance to help.

So many individuals inevitably lose touch with the world around them due to their vision loss. As a result, these individuals may lose the ability to do things in life that are necessary to remain independent. With our variety of easy-to-use products, these individuals can once again enjoy life and take control of their daily activities through the use of digital magnification.

To learn more about the terminology and differences between digital and optical magnification feel free to click here.

Together we can help bring a better quality of life to individuals who are currently in need and unaware of low vision solutions available to them.

Click here for a free in home demo!

If you are not yet ready for an in home demonstration but would like to receive our free low vision guide and our product catalog, please click here.