Posted under Testimonials
Below is a testimonial from Tresca Pennington, she was the lucky winner of the monthly Pebble drawing for June 2010!
In 1998, at 16 years old, I recall of one fateful ophthalmologist visit – the good doctor’s words, “progressive vision loss due to Stargardt’s Disease…legally blind already…and low vision devices”. Back then, A DEVICE sounded serious and I imagined some heavy, head-encompassing gear with a blinking antenna protruding from its top!
Today, as a writer, it pays for my imagination to work overtime; however, being the Mommy of two little wild ones – I surrender to a desire to see better that far outweighs the thought of who’s noticing me while I’m trying to do so.
Consequently, I’ve really taken an interest in the latest low vision technology. I depend on a variety of aids to assist me in the completion of my numerous daily tasks. I have low-tech magnifiers, special computer software and other high-tech assistive tools. I own an Acrobat LCD with 17” monitor that I got two years ago and love!!!
When my old-model, handheld video magnifier (not made by Enhanced Vision) conked out last month, I had to rely on a regular, illuminated pocket magnifier (no frills): no viewing modes or zoom options, no special features whatsoever, besides light! I decided that I needed the convenience of a state-of-the-art handheld, video unit for grocery shopping, following along on the printed church program, filling-out forms at the doctor’s office and (most importantly) for reading to my kids, while lying in bed! My husband attempted to take over that tradition, but (as our son and daughter whine) “He doesn’t do the voices right!” Something had to be done and quickly!
I visited the Enhanced Vision website first because (like I said) I love my Acrobat LCD! There I was, shopping around, when I stumbled upon the link: “Win a PEBBLE”. I researched the item’s description – it seemed like exactly what I’d need and more! So, I filled out the short online entry form and said a little prayer…
One week later I got a phone call telling me that I won the drawing! I received the Pebble shortly thereafter and…all I have to say is, “Enhanced Vision has done it for me, again!” Thank You (from me and my Munchkins)!
~Tresca Pennington
Tresca's 2 Children, Treston and Jayda