Vitamin D Benefits to Our Vision

Vitamin D Benefits to Our Vision

Posted on Jan.19, 2015, by , under Eye Health, Living With Low Vision, Low Vision Info, Low Vision Tips, The Eye

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that benefits our bones, our mental health, our immune system, our heart health and yes, even our eyes. Vitamin D deficiency is more common in patients with wet macular degeneration than in those with dry age related AMD according to the September 2014 issue of the medical journal Retina. The research found that the vitamin D levels were lower and more prevalent in those with neovascular (wet) AMD. It may be due to the effects of vitamin D preventing angiogenesis – or new blood vessel formation. It also provides the benefit of being anti-inflammatory. Inflammation plays a key role in the development of AMD.

According to Michael Holick, Ph. D., M.D., the author of The Vitamin D Solution, those with wet AMD are not the only ones deficient in this vital nutrient. “The vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency that afflict at least half of the worlds population, and remain one of the most undiagnosed medical conditions, are real – and very serious.” He goes on to say that “Three out of every four Americans are deficient in vitamin D, up from one out of two twenty years ago.”

Health Consequences of Vitamin D Deficiency

Sarfraz Zaidi, M.D., the author of the Power of Vitamin D states that there is a relationship between vitamin D deficiency and bone pain, osteoporosis, immune disorders, heart disease, high blood pressure, depression and cancer.

Ask your doctor to do a 25-vitamin D test. It is a simple blood test that is sent off to the lab. Dr. Holick recommends levels to be in the range of 30 to 100 nanograms per milliliter of blood.

How to Increase Your Levels

You can increase your vitamin D levels in three ways.

1. Food
Laura Jeffers, a registered dietitian at Cleveland Clinic salmon. “Salmon is a great source of Vitamin D and having 3 ounces, a couple of times per week, will help support your Vitamin D intake,” she said. Wild caught salmon has higher amounts of this vitamin than does farm raised. However, Dr. Holick informs his readers that “you can’t rely on diet to obtain it.”

2. Supplements
Dr. Holick states, “I typically recommend taking 1,000 to 2,000 IU of vitamin D a day – that should be adequate along with a multi-vitamin that contains 400 IU of vitamin D.

3. Sun Exposure
Vitamin production is triggered when skin is exposed to ultraviolet light. Dr Holick’s preferred method is that sunlight be most people’s main source of vitamin D. Find out how to safely expose your skin to enhance your vitamin D production here:

Leslie Degner, RN, BSN