Posted on Oct.15, 2012, by Enhanced Vision, under Inspirational Stories
I am a 63 year old criminal defense lawyer who has low vision due to diabetic retinopathy. I have no vision in my left eye and on a good day the vision in my right eye is 20/400.
Approximately seven years ago I awoke and I could not see out of my left eye. Incredibly, I did not rush to an eye doctor but rather assumed this was some type of temporary thing that would go away in a day or two. Did I mention that I am not a doctor of any type? Did I mention that sometimes I can be remarkably stupid?
Three days later I finally went to my ophthalmologist who had been prescribing my glasses for years. Very shortly into his exam he left the room and called a retinal specialist who agreed to see me right now. I went to his office and was diagnosed with a central artery occlusion. I was examined by his partner the next day who confirmed the diagnosis and that it meant I was not going to have vision in that eye again. Oh, by the way, did I tell you that at the time I was a smoker? Not a heavy smoker, less than a pack a day. So, of course, I stopped smoking immediately, yes? Well actually, no. Go back to the part about incredible stupidity.
I was in a very high stress occupation. I tried cases all the time and also did appeals. Most of my cases were murder cases and some were very high profile. I decided that smoking reduced my stress levels and besides, I had lost vision in one eye. Surely I was not going to be the one who lost vision in both eyes. Wrong again.
Let’s flash forward another year. I was living in New York at the time and I was trying a murder case in Virginia. As the trial ended I was having problems seeing from my right eye. By the next day I could not drive and my vision was severely impaired. You will be happy to know that at this point I stopped smoking. Nothing like closing the barn door and the horse has left, right?
I found a retinal surgeon who treated me for the next five years including 6 eye surgeries and more laser treatments than I care to think about. And let’s not forget all the injections into eye. I am telling you, you have not lived until you have had stitches in your eye.
Why am I writing this? Because I did not take care of myself and I thought that this stuff always happens to someone else. It would never happen to me. It is one thing to know what you are supposed to do but I want people to understand that this can happen to you. Take care of yourself and make sure you treat your eyes like the treasures they are. Don’t be stupid!
-Dick Barbuto