Posted on Jun.24, 2009, by Enhanced Vision, under Educational, Inspirational Stories
Running in a marathon? Trying a triathlon? Want to host a swim-a-thon?
If you’re competing in a race, Race to Cure Blindness!
Race to Cure Blindness is a free fundraising program where participants utilize a marathon, triathlon, bike race, or other racing event as a platform to raise money for the Foundation Fighting Blindness.
If you would like to use your racing efforts to raise money for the Foundation, the Race to Cure Blindness is an excellent way to make your participation more meaningful and motivate you when the going gets tough. Just ask Stuart Frantz who raised over $30,000 through his participation in the ING Georgia Marathon using Race to Cure Blindness. Stuart felt compelled to do something as he watched his friend Dan’s life very suddenly and dramatically change after begin diagnosed with a retinal degenerative disease. “I was very happy to finish the marathon,” says Stuart, “but most important, I am hopeful that one day the money we raised will finish the race to find a cure for Dan.” Read Stuart’s full Story of Hope here.
And it’s not just for runners! Maybe you are on a bowling league that is organizing a bowl-a-thon. A new mom or dad who would like to participate in a stroller-a-thon? Even kids can join us by organizing a hop-a-thon or dance marathon at their school.
Race to Cure Blindness is uniting people all across the country in a very worthy cause…to further the mission of the Foundation Fighting Blindness. We hope you’ll join us!
Visit to view our list of upcoming races. If you don’t see your race listed, contact your local Foundation Fighting Blindness Office or call 888-683-5555 and we will post if for you.