Enhanced Vision Contest

Enhanced Vision Contest

Posted on Jan.11, 2013, by , under Educational, Enhanced Vision News - Media, Special Promotions

Working in Enhanced Vision’s sales department, I’m often afforded the opportunity to connect with customers on a direct level, in the sense that I get to talk to them and learn about how low vision has an impact on their lives. I’m actually excited to hear these stories, because there’s a good chance one of our products will make a difference. I talk to quite a few customers who already own one of our magnifiers, and they consistently tell me how much they love their Pebble, or how the Merlin Elite CCTV has been an integral part of their home, as it has brought back much of the freedom they thought they had lost. That’s why I am so thrilled about our new Winter Giveaway Contest.

All throughout the year, Enhanced Vision is proud to give away several of our most popular products to anybody who has the desire to see clearer. The contests are simple, and require very little time or effort; this Winter Giveaway is no different. All we ask is that you send in your story. Just tell us a little about yourself, and how you think one of our magnifiers could make a difference in your life. It’s important for us to routinely connect with anybody who feels they have ever suffered from low vision, so that we can continue to develop the products which offer the most assistance possible. But that’s just one of the reasons we kicked off this exciting Winter Giveaway.

We also want you to know how important you are to us, as you are what Enhanced Vision is all about. That’s why we aren’t stopping at the Pebble. We wanted to get the popular Amigo portable magnifier in on the action, as well as the brand new Merlin HD CCTV. That’s right! In addition to the portable handhelds, we are going to give away the hottest CCTV available. Just head on over to www.EnhancedVisionContest.com, and tell us a little about yourself! If you had a Pebble, where would you take it? If you won the Merlin HD, where would you put it? We know everybody’s story will be different, so we are just as excited to read them as you are to participate. So what are you waiting for?

-Andrew Kramer